FOLA GIFT SHOP by OSCA proposed an economic strategy open to anyone and everyone who would seek to contribute items for sale. Stocked with items from Festival artists and other makers both national and international, FOLA Gift Shop by OSCA was a chance to purchase, participate, exchange and shop in a live art experience where everything must eventually go.

2016 commission by FOLA, Festival of Live Art, Melbourne

March 2-12, 2016 – Arts House, North Melbourne Town Hall

FOLA GIFT SHOP by OSCA is a continuing work in the GOLD COIN SERIES from Paul Gazzola that investigates economic exchange, market values and strategies to artistic survival.

Concept: Paul Gazzola

Shop concept: Luke Pither & Paul Gazzola

Gift shop staff: Mish Grigor, Malcolm Whittaker & Paul Gazzola

PARTICIPATING ARTISTS INCLUDE: Paola Bartoletti, Nadia Cusimano, Bound/Unbound Collective, Annabelle Collett, David Cross, Urszula Dawkins, Jackson Eaton, Expen$$$ive, Cheri Fang, Erin Fowler, Hero Fukutu, Genevieve Grieves, Mish Grigor, Jane Grimley, Nicola Gunn, Lorna Hannan, Belinda Hellyer, Samara Hersch, Lisa Hirmer, Casey Jenkins, Joan Kennedy, Walter Kenyon, Mona Khizam, Michele Lee, Caroline Lee, Benjamin Leslie, Shira Livne, Emily Parsons-Lord, Peter Lyssiotis, Brigid Noone, Jason Maling, Lucy Parakhina, Janine Peacock, Luke Pither, PUNCTUM, Aviva Reed, Rajni Shah, Sam Routledge, Carly Sheppard, Jason Sweeney, Tenfingerz, Lara Thoms, Sete Tele, Katie Turnbull, Dario Vacirca, Robert Walton, Susanne Wegener, Malcolm Whittaker & Laura Wills