Landscape Stories – Mutton Cove, is a site-based performance and video/photo image work by the artists, Cynthia Schwertsik and Jennifer Hofmann (Mutton Cove Chair Walking) plus a soundscape of collected stories collected by Janine Peacock that relate to the history of Mutton Cove. This project is both a pre-cursor to a major work located on the northern end of Lefevre Peninsula and a stand-alone project as part of the City of Port Adelaide Enfield’s LANDSCAPE STORIES initiative.

CLICK HERE for a link to version of the 2 screen work

Mutton Cove Chair Walking is an invitation to discover a neighbourhood through unconventional measures. This performative intervention is a tool to make visible that the area is playful and there is much is to be discovered just around the corner. The marks left on the wetland will soon be washed away, but there will be memories that extend the history and public use of Mutton Cove.’ Cynthia Schwertsik

EXHIBITION pdf 27 Sept to 7 Oct, 2018, Fontanelle Gallery

CLICK HERE for an article in fine print online magazine by Chris Reid

Upcoming presentations

– 1 screen video projection as part of the Port Fringe 2019

This project was supported by the City of Port Adelaide Enfield