Lartelare is a collaboration between Kaurna Elder Aunty Margaret Brodie, 5 Aboriginal women connected to Yarta Puulti – Port Adelaide and SA artist Jennifer Eadie.

Lartelare aims to open-up new understandings of Kaurna history, stories and culture connected to Port Adelaide. Grounded in care and respect, Aboriginal women, guided by the lead artists, will come together over 2023 to share stories while creating a place-responsive artwork as a powerful interruption of colonial narrative and complacency.  Aunty Margaret sums this up as “A group of strong women standing tall and coming together, this strength could make change”. 

Lartelare is the first major outcome of OSCA’s Projects of the Everyday SA artists commissioning program.

Lartelare Residency and Artist Talk at VITALSTASTIX – 18 to 22 June.

EXHIBITION OUTCOME – Harts Mill Packing Shed, Oct 2023 as part of the 2023 Tarnanthi Festival.

Supported by Arts South Australia, The City of Port Adelaide Enfield, the Art Gallery of South Australia and Vitalstatistix.