Rethinking Participation was a series of two x 2-day artist led think tanks and COVID responsive / reflective research gatherings in 2022. The project was conceived  and facilitated by OSCA AD Paul Gazzola.

These gatherings were a significant professional and sector development opportunity for 14 established and emerging First Nations and South Australian local and regional artists working across a diversity of art forms,  to come together and discuss how they connect and continue to practice in these current times free from any production outcomes.

Each artist was asked to reflect, discuss and creatively respond to three lead questions.

  • How has pandemic-related conditions affected your practice?
  • What new ways of collaborating have / continue to emerged from pandemic-related restrictions?
  • How has COVID-19 restrictions affected your sense of community and challenged the creation of shared experiences with the public?

Each artist was given 1 hour to present their responses in an openly discursive setting with a small review taking place on day 2 of each gathering.

Each artist was invited to take notes of each other’s presentations – key points, responses etc and have been collated by OSCA. These notes alongside each artists presentations were documented and are currently being collated and edited into a larger publication focussed on artists practices and temporary public art.

The project is an important point of convergence for artists working in public space across a range of disciplines but dealing with similar aspirations in creating temporary interventions that engage the public beyond merely being a viewer.

Rethinking Participation was supported by The Department of Premier and Cabinet Arts Recovery Fund, and Country Arts SA.