The project brings together Narungga / Kaurna artist Jay Milera, SA artists Tom Borgas, Paul Gazzola (concept), light/video designer Nic Mollison and South African architect / designer Julian Mentz in  the creation of a highly unique and openly accessible public art outcome that reinterprets Indigenous and Western cultural knowledge of the Southern sky.

These unmissable sky-based sculptures aim to gather and reunite the public as it shifts their gaze upwards. Members of the public are invited to hold the lines as well as contribute their thoughts, feelings and responses to the artwork that will be projected onto the inflatables at night.

Event details:

Date: 15 October / Light Square / Wauwi

Time: 3pm – 9:30pm

Projections 7:30pm-9:30pm


TAKE PART IN THE PROJECT –  In the lead up to the events and across the day, we are asking people this question – What do you think or feel when you look to the sky? These expressions of hope, unknowing, and dreams for the future will be recorded and video projected onto the bottom of the inflatables at night from 7:30pm.

Submit your response


The story behind the artwork by Jay Milera

TARNDA: The Kangaroo is a representative of (Tarnda) Red Kangaroo Dreaming and Lore that covers an area starting from Cape Jervis in the south and travels north crossing over Adelaide City Area and ending at Crystal Brook.

THE SEVEN SISTERS: There are seven circles in the sky. Each one represents seven springs of “Tjilbruke’s” tears created as he wailed, and those same 7 circles represent the “Seven Sisters”. Long ago in the Dreaming time there were seven sisters who were out foraging for food in the bush when they came across two hunters from a different skin group. They invited the men to share their food and drink but slowly realized that they had other intentions. The sisters, who did not want to break the traditional laws that forbid relationships with other skin groups outside their clan group, fled their camp with the men in pursuit. The Ancestral Spirits, who were watching over the sisters, saved them by lifting them into the sky where they assumed the form of the stars that we know as the Pleiades. Now at night in the hemispheres, you can see the Seven Sisters still being pursued but never to be caught. The artwork represents the unified connection of Kaurna people to their ancestors of land and sky and to Tarnda the Red Kangaroo.


More about the project

We Can Be Heroes  is an evocative act of release as well as one of unity in these times of separation caused by the insecurities of the ongoing pandemic. It utilises the untapped potential of the sky as the site for innovative temporary public art to create a moment of collective artistic expression, and community solidarity, where before there was division. The project is an opportunity for a diverse range of individuals, including children and young people to engage in site-based artistic experiences in spaces not normally associated with innovative contemporary art.

We Can Be Heroes uses a unique form of sky-sited art to deliver a unique contemporary public art project with incredible public reach, democratic intention, and social resonance.

The first version was titled We Can Be Heroes –  Bloemfontein. It was commissioned by the 2019 Vrystatt Arts Festival in Bloemfontein, South Africa.. It was the signature project of the Programme for Innovation in Artform Development (PIAD). CLICK HERE for more information

This project is supported by The Department of Premier and Cabinet Arts Recovery Fund, The City of Adelaide, and the 2022 Nature Festival.


The images below are from the 2019 version at the Vrystatt Arts Festival, Bloemfontein, South Africa