The best place to forage is your own backyard – Diego Bonetto

FORAGERS, WEED GARDENS AND GATHERINGS (FWG) was a community based art project about gardens, plants, weeds, untapped resources and new ways of coming together. Through a series of community focused how to workshops, gatherings, expeditions, exchanges and art events across Oct/Nov 2017, FWG unearthed, explored and celebrated contemporary / historical knowledge and use of local, native and imported vegetables, flowers, greens and weeds.

FWG fostered local networks and local knowledge to revalue untamed areas and the foods that grow there. The project cultivated new understandings and lived knowledge of the local environment to support well-being and reignite a sense of value, purpose, collectivity and cohesion within the cultural diversity of Semaphore.

A final event entitled FINDERS SHARERS, took place on  the 12th Nov 2017 at the St Bede’s Garden, Semaphore.  This inaugural Spring community gathering and celebration brought together the workshop outcomes and locally sourced food stocks alongside participants working across sustainable urban practices of food, nutrition, fashion and art production. DOWNLOAD the web-flyer  HERE

FINDERS SHARERS featured art works by Laura Wills and Diego Bonetto, a ‘zine’ publication, tea blending, foraged and ‘as found’ food tasting, along with experts in bee keeping and organic, sustainable gardening on site to answer any questions posed by the public.

The FINDERS SHARERS interactive publication is available for sale here

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FORAGERS, WEED GARDENS AND GATHERINGS was initiated and guided by local community members, participating artists and OSCA – who have been gardening out of St Bedes Community Garden since 2015. This project was supported by The Australian Council and the City of Port Adelaide Enfield through its Community Grants program.